Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Perform An Eye Examination For Your Eyes?

How To Perform An Eye Examination For Your Eyes?The eye biology is one of the most fascinating parts of the human body. These days, many people are having their eye examination but there are some who think that the experts have already taken the best part of their lives and now they want to know more about the eye examination.If you find some other way, then you should not worry. There are several ways of conducting your eye examination. So, what exactly is the eye biology?So, here are some of the eye examination that you can perform for yourself. You can contact your doctor about it if you have any complaints. But, in case you do not need your own eye examination, you can always schedule an eye exam from a qualified eye expert. A qualified eye expert will be able to give you the best answer regarding your problem.Eye ophthalmologists always advise you that you should pay attention to the eyes at night because they are the centers of light and dark. So, if you have these problems, it would be best for you to examine them at night. This way, you can see the problem and get the necessary treatment. However, you should do some research about the procedure of your next examination so that you can get the best service.But, before you can carry out your eye examination, you should think twice. First, make sure that you wear sunglasses. This is one of the things that you must remember when performing your examination. Second, you should also wash your hands before conducting your eye examination. Washing your hands prevents the spread of germs and bacteria.You also need to buy the right accessories. If you are going to do your examination at night, you will need sunglasses with prescription-strength lenses. You can also make use of contact lenses.The above paragraphs are designed to tell you the importance of making use of these tips while performing your eye examination. As a result, you will save your eyesight from a very early stage. You should also learn how to pe rform your own eye examination and you can always visit your eye specialist in the nearest time.

Friday, March 6, 2020

School performance 2011 - The truth!

School performance 2011 - The truth! Last week, the Department for Education published data on more than 3,300 secondary schools' GCSE and A-Level exam results. Now parents have more information than ever about how their child's school is performing, this is an increase of data of 400 per cent than in 2010. Performance tables for 2011 now include: level of performance of disadvantaged children. if pupils with high, middle and low achieving results continue to make progress. how many pupils entered into the core academic subjects that make up the EBacc. Sadly, the 2011 GCSE results reveal that hundreds of secondary schools are failing to help pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve their full potential. Children on free school meals or in local authority care are approximately half as likely to achieve the national benchmark of five A* -C grade GCSEs including English and maths compared to their peers. Nationally, only one in 25 disadvantaged pupils managed to secure good grades in a combination of English, maths, languages, history or geography, and two sciences. This compares to the national average of nearly one in six. For the first time, the tables highlight how pupils have progressed since they left primary school. This year's statistics show that thousands of previously high achieving pupils are being failed by their secondary school: 8.600 pupils, 4.9 per cent, who were excelling at the end of primary school, then failed to gain five A* -C grade including English and maths. 45.6 per cent of pupils, some 120,000, who were at Level 4 at Key Stage 2 failed to make the expected amount of progress, to five A*-C grades including English and maths, at secondary school. There are now 107 secondary schools below the national minimum standard. A secondary school is below the floor standard if: fewer than 35 per cent of pupils achieve the basics standard of five A* to C grade GCSEs including English and maths. fewer pupils make good progress in English between KS2 and KS4 than the national average. fewer pupils make good progress in maths between KS2 and KS4 than the national average. Find out how your child's school performs here. If you feel that your child may need some extra help, consider finding a private tutor. We have hundreds of testimonials that prove that private tuition really does help improve grades.

Case Study How EF Hangzhou found a teacher recruitment service flexible enough to fit their needs

Case Study How EF Hangzhou found a teacher recruitment service flexible enough to fit their needs Background Part of a global school chain operating in over 60 countries, EF Hangzhou is one of the largest regional English First franchises in China. Providing English lessons for kids, teens and adults across nine centers (with two more in the pipeline) is no small feat. At any one time, the centers employ 200 teachers, 100 of whom are international. Although most international teachers sign up with EF Hangzhou for 15-month contracts, and over half extend to two years, International Recruiter James was always on the lookout for promising new candidates for his schools. Teachers can be hired (and leave) at any point during the year, meaning staying on top of staffing in his nine busy centers was a constant challenge. The Challenge EF Hangzhou were looking for teachers with Bachelor’s degrees (essential for Chinese visa requirements), who were English speakers with a 120-hour TEFL certification, or equivalent experience. From experience, James knew their positions and the lifestyle in China typically appealed to teachers in their 20s or 30s without families. Each year, James aimed to get 100 candidates to sign letters of intent to work in his schools. Although this averaged about 10 signed letters of intent per month, in reality, recruitment needs varied with the ebbs and flows of the school year. In quiet months, the school had to be wary of having a surplus of teachers, and in busy months they needed to hire quickly. Their overall goal was to maintain a steady flow of applicants throughout the year to ensure teacher numbers reflected demand for classes. With targets changing month-by-month, James needed a highly flexible recruitment solution and he was always looking for new and innovative ways to source candidates and establish interviews. His existing strategy meant nearly 50% of candidates came through recruitment agencies, and he was left to fill the gaps with teacher referrals and headhunting on social media. While broadly successful, this strategy could also lead to high-stress recruitment periods when EF Hangzhou needed teachers quickly and the recruitment agencies didn’t have any candidates to offer. So when Teach Away reached out to James, he decided to give our platform a try. Our Solution Teach Away provided flexible, fast and large-scale access to applicants that EF Hangzhou needed. After talking to our team, James came away confident that he’d found a company that understood his needs and signed up for a monthly subscription on our platform. Happy with this initial experience, he then decided to try a three-month subscription in spring to boost recruitment before their busy summer period. These flexible teacher recruitment packages were an effective way for James to get his vacancies in front of a large audience during peak hiring periods. “Teach Away is great because it has a large database and talent pool. They are good at marketing vacancies and it’s a convenient way to access a wide scope of teachers, who you can speak to in a relatively quick time frame. As candidates have registered their interest in EF through the job posting, when I reach out they are responsive and I can quickly proceed with an interview.” EF Hangzhou was also happy to find that Teach Away’s solutions were more cost-effective than the agencies they had been using previously. With no per-hire fees and unlimited teacher recruitment services included in each Teach Away subscription, they quickly found that the more teachers they hired through Teach Away, the more money they saved. The Impact Since starting a three-month subscription in March, EF Hangzhou has hired eight teachers through Teach Away and expects to hire two more, fulfilling their recruitment target for the month. “After recruiting through Teach Away for one year, we’ve hired some excellent teachers and really like the service. It’s become one of our main channels for sourcing teachers and finding candidates to interview.” According to James, his experience with Teach Away has been so positive because we are: User-friendly The platform has a clean layout with all the relevant information he needs, allowing him to find candidates quickly. Attentive Our team is communicative, supportive and always looking for new ways to improve his service. Innovative Teach Away is open to finding new solutions to make life easier for their clients, such as online job fairs. As a company that’s always on the lookout for new recruitment solutions, EF Hangzhou has found one they plan to stick with in Teach Away. They have been so pleased with their results they have decided to extend their subscription with us for another three months, and plan to use our platform throughout the coming school year.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Uloop Morning Mix Sean Spicer at the Emmys, More Hurricanes and a New UVA President

Uloop Morning Mix Sean Spicer at the Emmys, More Hurricanes and a New UVA President Atlantic hurricane season is a long way from being over. (Image: National Hurricane Center graphic/ Three stormsâ€"Jose, Maria and Leeâ€"have developed in the Atlantic following the path of Irma but Maria poses the most danger to the storm battered Caribbean islands. CNN reports that, “As of Sunday evening, Maria was about 125 miles (201 kilometers) east-northeast of Barbados, according to the  National Hurricane Center. It had strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane, hurling winds of 80 mph, and is forecast to continue moving toward the eastern Caribbean at 15 mph.”  Stay on hurricane watch right here.   THE EMMYS GET POLITICAL The awards for excellence in television were handed out last night in Los Angeles and the no one was even pretending that it wasnt going to be a forum for political viewpoints. Ashley Hoffman from Time writes, winners from  The Crowns  John Lithgow to  Master of Nones  Lena Waithe embraced the opportunity to make a  statement  on Sunday night. The most common target was, unsurprisingly, the president, who has had a troubled relationship with celebrities and awards shows â€" including the Emmys. Heres the full rundown of political moments from last nights show, in which, BTW, Julia Louis-Dreyfus won her eighth primetime acting Emmy. UVA NAMES NEW PRESIDENT James E. Ryan will be UVAs next president. (Image: YouTube screenshot/Harvard Education) James E. Ryan, a UVA law school graduate and current dean of Harvards Graduate School of Education, was named the schools next president. Ryan will take over from the often-embattled  Teresa Sullivan next fall. reports, that in a speech he acknowledged the hate that has embroiled UVA and Charlottesville, as well as UVA’s own original sin of slavery and both the brilliance of Thomas Jefferson and the brutality. Said Ryan, To me, what this university looked like in 1850, or even 1950, is important to understand, but it is far more important to envision what this university will look like in 2050. Some of you might remember Ryans Harvard commencement speech on the 5 essential questions: AND FINALLY, WAITING FOR YOUR FOOD TO BE DELIVERED IS HARD. HERE ARE 50 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO PASS THE TIME Where is the food? We called like five hours ago! (Image: Pixbay) Albright College senior Elise Nelson is hungry, just like you, but shes come up with some smart ways to pass the time until your food delivery gets to your dorm. Which takes forever, yeah, we know. Our favorite? Do a quick workout to make room for the calories youre about to eat. Genius. See the whole list here.   Thanks for making it all the way down here youre the best. Happy Monday!

4 Quick Tips for Keeping Your Brain Active Over Summer

4 Quick Tips for Keeping Your Brain Active Over Summer Most college students take a break from their studies during the summer. This can be a useful time for you to re-focus and re-charge your brain. But how exactly do you do that? (Especially when it's oh-so-tempting to binge watch seasons of Game of Thrones on Netflix.) Not that you shouldn't allow yourself some downtime, but keep in mind that you've been hitting the books hard all year, and to cut off your brain from facts cold turkey may do more harm than good. Here are some simple and affordable ways to keep your brain active over summer breaks. 1. Read One of the most straightforward ways to keep your mental cylinders firing is to pick up a book or two over the summer. Make a reading list and cross the works off when you finish, giving you a sense of accomplishment. Read what you enjoy. If you loved the movie Gone Girl, why not pick up Gillian Flynn's book of the same name? Even reading articles out of magazines can help keep you sharp. If you don't have the money to afford several new paperbacks, get a library card and go to town. 2. Play It still seems taboo to recommend video games to students over summer break, but recent studies indicate that playing certain games can help boost brain activity. A few language-learning apps, like Duolingo, function like a video game, making learning new information fun. Why not pick up a little Spanish in your downtime this summer? Knowing another language is a useful skill to have and one that you carry with you wherever you go. 3. Go To keep yourself from feeling totally disconnected to academia during your summer off, get out there and stay informed. The easiest way is to hit up a few academic talks or events. Many colleges and universities host free guest lectures on various topics, many of which you may find of interest or relevance to your field of study. Scheduling information is usually listed on the college's website. 4. See Viewing art not only enhances your perspective of the world, but it can also fire up brain activity. Check to see if any local museums or galleries are showing work during your summer off. If you don't live in a city boasting a major art museum, see if there's one within driving distance. If you feel uncomfortable going alone, ask a friend to join you. After viewing the works, try discussing your initial reactions, making your visit even more memorable. If you still feel at a loss about how to spend your summer break, there is always volunteer work. Myriad organisations are more than willing to accept help from young adults. Why not pass out food at a local homeless shelter, or sign up to tutor children at the Boys Girls Club? Do something you're passionate about. Wherever you choose to put your energies, stay busy. It'll keep both your brain and your resume full of good things.

Marietta Ohio Tutoring Schools

Marietta Ohio Tutoring SchoolsThe only possible way that a student will go to the school is through the use of tutoring. There are many reasons for this. The first reason is that college is expensive, therefore, it is important that one make sure that they can afford college by attending school in the first place. This means that they are usually eligible for college scholarships.Another reason that a student would want to get a college education is to gain job experience. This can happen because of the work that they have to do and also, their academic results are still good enough to make them worthy of admission into a certain college. A student is generally chosen for a particular college based on what they have learned in school and in previous years. With this, this is the way that tutoring schools have to operate.The college level means that one will get a higher ranking than if they had simply attended school through the community college system. This means that, you will be able to attend college for less money and also be able to earn more money once you get to college since you will be able to get ahead of your competition.Those who are taking courses in general education must be able to speak clearly and justly. This means that they should have good listening skills, a good vocabulary, and knowledge of a certain subject.The course material will give students a good foundation in math and reading skills as well as other subjects. However, one will have to have a high level of motivation and work on their studies as well as on their leisure time to be able to progress towards their goals. However, this does not mean that one will have to give up leisure time.One of the best things about tutoring is that there are many tutors that will help students get better grades so that they can go on to get better jobs. As an individual will benefit from going to college, this is another reason why a person would want to get a college education.Tutoring schools a re becoming very popular these days and many students are signing up to become tutors. A student who has a good understanding of the subjects he will teach will have no problem getting good grades.

Choosing a College At NC State - Getting Ready For Chem 101

Choosing a College At NC State - Getting Ready For Chem 101If you want to enroll in NC State's College of Natural Sciences, please be aware that you are not only enrolling into a rigorous and challenging program but also enrolling into an environment that has produced many world class scientists. This means that you are going to meet many people who have made significant contributions to science in the world today.NC State has established the department as one of the most highly respected and prestigious programs in the country. NC State Chemistry Department is so called because it is home to more than twenty members of the National Academy of Sciences, which makes the institution one of the top ten chemical universities in the nation. The department is also home to fifteen members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which is the leading scientific organization in the world.Before you begin your college career, it would be important for you to understand the m any opportunities that exist within NC State. While most people do not think of applying to college, it is true that this is one of the best choices you will ever make. Once you have made the decision to go to college, you should be prepared to have the time of your life. Besides the fact that you will receive a great education, you will also get to meet some amazing people in this great university.One of the most important aspects of the Chemistry Department at NC State is the staff there. These are all very highly qualified individuals who have a tremendous amount of knowledge about chemical reactions and chemistry in general. These are individuals who know exactly what they are doing and how to be sure that you do not burn anything down while in their care.Your student needs to be prepared in every way possible. Many of the professors at NC State are onsite the entire time you are enrolled in the class.The first thing that you will need to do is to make sure that you understand t he different styles that are present at the college. One style is called liberal arts, which means that the professor will look over the course outline, give you assignments and give you some type of assessment that will help you understand the coursework. Another style is called applied science, which means that the professor will be a chemist or something along those lines, and will be much more hands on.Finally, you will want to make sure that you apply for any grants and loans that you qualify for. These funds can help you pay for books, as well as rent, and also pay for certain expenses. However, you will find that the funds for grants and loans tend to be limited at the college level, so do your best to be as competitive as possible.

Chemistry Basic - Concepts Used in Different Types of Chemical Reactions

Chemistry Basic - Concepts Used in Different Types of Chemical ReactionsChemical reactions can be applied to the whole range of situations. Chemical Reaction is a term used in chemistry and this term refers to the general type of chemical process. This is quite often used in the context of chemical analysis, the process of analysing chemical data.There are different types of chemical reaction, but they are generally divided into two types namely oxidation and reduction. Oxidation is the process by which one substance will turn into another. Reduction is the process by which a substance will combine with a compound and this can turn into a new substance. As a result of these chemical reactions, chemicals can be used in their chemical forms for industrial purposes.When we think of chemical reactions, we generally associate it with the production of chemical weapons and these are considered very dangerous. It is common knowledge that these reactions are very useful in industrial process es. In many industrial processes like chemical processing, industries are utilizing these chemical reactions because they are very useful in producing materials.Chemical reactions are classified into two main types namely, ionic and covalent. The former is the type used in biochemical reactions and it involves the transfer of one substance into another. However, the latter is used in some industrial processes because it produces strong bonds between two substances.The present era's world is filled with such instances that expose the threat of these chemicals and you should take precautionary measures to protect yourself. Chemicals found in the environment could be harmful for the long run as they affect the health of a person or damage the environment in some cases.These chemicals may also be capable of causing cancer and they contaminate the environment in which we live as the pollution level is continuously increasing. Some studies have shown that we need to do more if we want to avoid environmental contamination.If you are a person who is concerned about the environment and its health, then you need to understand that the environment is not the place to take food as it does not provide any nutrients that the body needs. To make sure that you are not missing out on the right foods in the market, then you need to have proper understanding about the way food is manufactured.

Accounting Courses in London

Accounting Courses in London Where to Find Accounting Classes in London ChaptersWhat is Accounting?Where to Learn Accounting PrinciplesFinding the Right Professional Accountant for TutoringLondon being a global financial city, one would think that it would be lousy with accountants specialising in taxation and financial reporting.Indeed, in just about every corner of the city, you may find tax accountants, public accountants, chartered accountants â€" to say nothing of all of the businesses that have financial and managerial accountants on the payroll.Does that mean that the market is saturated? That you should abandon any thought of pursuing accounting positions and seek knowledge and skills that address a different career field than accountancy?Quite the contrary! You should study accounting; maybe specialise in financial and managerial accounting. Here's why:Finance magazine Economia reports a potential shortfall of accountants in the years ahead, citing a number in the tens of thousands.A related article expounds of a dearth of skills that hinders es pecially school leavers from finding quality employment.What all of that points to is the need, for people who are not satisfied with their current position, who’ve been let go of their job and who simply need job skills, to get educated.Would you like to find education courses to ensure your future viability on the job market?How about accounting education?Your Superprof now scours the streets of London to find the best opportunities for learning the discipline called accounting.Find accounting courses in Cardiff and accounting lessons in Belfast too!It was during those days â€" the times of Dickens, that corporate accounting and international accounting really gained traction.International shipping as we know it today was in its infancy and, while the double entry bookkeeping system had long been established, businesses needed an expanded set of rules to properly record credits and debits, and manage assets.In short, the profession needed an concise list of accounting practices. The vital function performed by accountants earned the profession a royal charter in 1880 in England and Wales.However, Scotland’s accountants earned their charter nearly 30 years earlier, in 1854. They are, in fact, the world’s oldest professional body of accountants!Learn more about becoming an accountant in Glasgow or taking an accounting class in Edinburgh...Today, accountants may join the charter that best represents their accounting speciality.That all sounds very prestigious but, outside of adding and subtracting and manipulating data on a spreadsheet, what do accountants do, exactly?Briefly stated, accountants measure, process and communicate financial information.Who they communicate that information to depends on the type of accountant they work as:Financial accounting involves working with corporations to prepare a quarterly, semiannual or annual financial statement for external entities to review. Those entities may by shareholders or tax authorities.Managerial accou nting also involves financial statement analysis, but only for purposes internal to the company, to help executives make decisions.Tax accounting involves calculating an entity’s tax liability; you may have consulted with a tax accountant in the past!Forensic accounting involves examining an entity’s financial records, possibly in anticipation of litigation.An auditor, by contrast, verifies compliance with financial and tax regulation by examining an entity’s books.Such an accountant may be called an internal auditor if s/he works within a corporation exclusively.CPA or certified public accountant performs a variety of accounting tasks; any of the ones mentioned above. Furthermore, s/he may own an accounting business or work in an office with other accountants, which might define him/her as a chartered accountant.Have you noticed anything particular in these summary job descriptions?Analysis, reporting, recording... nowhere does it say that accountants must be good at calculat ion!So, if you’ve turned away from this lucrative field simply because you fear you are not good at math, no worries!Although the manual entry ledger still has its place in the accountant milieu, more often these days, accounting is about spreadsheets and accounting information systems.What an accountant really is, is an analyser, risk taker and trend spotter.These days, the number crunching is mostly left up to a computer accounting program.Find out about accounting courses in Manchester, home to one of the first stored program computer!These days, accountants don't labour in musty attics; accounting firms occupy vast suites in prominent buildings! Source: Pixabay Credit: NydonAre you looking for an online accounting tutor? Check out our private tutors!Where to Learn Accounting PrinciplesAt this point, you might be mulling over which type of accountant you wish to be and how long it will take you to start earning.You may also ponder where you can learn accounting, and how fast!Al l of those variables come down to you and what your personal situation is.Are you a GCSE student anticipating a career in accounting or an A-Levels student, preparing to sit your exams?If so, you may already be familiar with AQA’s accounting page. It details accounting particulars and discusses why choosing accounting as a test subject is a good move on your part.If are such a student, or maybe working toward your accounting degree as an undergraduate, please give us just a moment, we’ll point you to more learning opportunities.As mentioned earlier in this article, it is school leavers that are the greatest cause for concern, both to economists and to the government.If you are such a one, or if you simply need retraining for another career field because your company let you go, rest assured that you have plenty of opportunities to learn accounting skills.Practical Accounting Training is a sterling facility that doesn’t waste a lot of time with correlated education, such as mat hs or the history of accounting. They take you straight to the heart of the matter, offering courses in bookkeeping, payroll management and cost accounting.Find a management accounting tutor here.Essentially, you choose the particular aspect of accounting you wish to practice, sign up for those accounting programs.In a matter of months, after a bit of dedicated study, you will be the proud holder of an award, an accounting certificate or diploma in accounting, depending on the level of study you selected.Besides conducting their unique accounting course certification program, they function as accountants so, after course completion, you may actually be offered a position with them!Going by the same acronym, Professional Accounting Training offers a host of accounting training, among them AAT diplomas for basic accounting, intermediate accounting as well as advanced accounting.You may earn your certificate in accounting by taking a single course through them. What a great way for tho se aforementioned school leavers and dislocated workers to kickstart their accounting career!AAT is the Association of Accounting Technicians, the UK’s leading professional membership body for accounting staff.As it would be in their better interest to train future accountants well, you may count on top of the line accounting information from them!Whether you are an accounting major looking for just a bit more clarity on the subject of accounting or working toward your MBA; even if you have yet to sit your A-Levels: it never hurts to get knowledge from different sources.Signing up for such classes might be just the extra help you need to understand accounting concepts or to ace your CPA examination so you can become an accountant anywhere in the county!Another way would be to engage an accounting tutor. You can search for accounting tutors near me here.You may choose to get an online degree in accounting Source: Pixabay Credit: WaldryanoFinding the Right Professional Accountant fo r TutoringWhether you have chosen public accounting, management accounting, business accounting or auditing as your accounting speciality, most likely, your highest priority would be to seek out the best tuition you can find for your money.That’s just good economics!While it is true that plenty of people with a degree in accounting list their tutoring services in places like Gumtree or Freeads, the question would really be: how effective are they at imparting knowledge?Just because someone has a degree in accounting, that doesn’t mean they are a good teacher â€" and you wouldn’t be able to recognise that fact from looking at their advert.That is why Superprof has designed its tutoring platform so that each tutor may expound on their accounting qualifications as well as their pedagogy.Furthermore, you will find testimonials from past students â€" a sure sign that that tutor must be good at what s/he does!You may select a tutor to come to your home or meet you in a mutually conv enient location, or you could choose to learn accounting online: each tutor’s profile page indicates whether s/he would be open to instruction via webcam.In London alone, there are no fewer than 89 Superprof tutors that can help you master generally accepted accounting principles and accounting systems, at an average rate per hour of £33.However, if you are open to online instruction, you would have more than 5,000 tutors available to you!And, did you know that most Superprof tutors give their first hour of lessons at no cost?Bottom line: whether you work in business administration or are planning to join those who enjoy lucrative accounting careers as a certified management accountant, learning principles of accounting, accounting and business, or even just taking online accounting courses is sure to get you where you want to be, career-wise.Should you need help understanding your course curriculum; earning your undergraduate degree or your Master of Science in accounting, or ev en in preparation of taking your CPA exam to become an accountant in Leeds, your Superprof tutors are there for you.And, once you’ve gotten really good at finance and accounting; gotten some bookkeeping and accounting experience under your belt â€" proven yourself in the business world...Who knows? You might even consider entrepreneurship: starting a business of your own!Should that be the case, Superprof is always looking for a few good accountants to help others with their coursework so they too can earn their accounting degrees.Now find courses in accounting in Birmingham...